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Saturday Evening
50th Reunion Gala
Look here to see the Professional pictures taken Saturday evening.
50th Reunion Gala
Sandy (Tebbit) Grams, Pam (Miller) Fleming, Tana (McCleary) Pulfer, Janice (Robertson) Miller, Deb (Hepburn) Croyle, Sandy (Spaniol) Nash
50th Reunion Gala
50th Reunion blanket donated by Cindy (Myhre) Combs for the Silent Auction.
50th Reunion Gala
Table Decorations
50th Reunion Gala
Champagne Toast by Don Zabelin
50th Reunion Gala
50th Reunion Gala
Tom Oatman
50th Reunion Gala
Dave & Donna Richardson, Peter Landesman at the check-in table.
50th Reunion Gala
Janet (Munroe) Jesse checking out the Silent Auction offerings.
50th Reunion Gala
Don Zabelin with Blackhawk Memorabilia
50th Reunion Gala
Silent Auction items donated by Kirhofer's Sports
50th Reunion Gala
Door Prizes!
50th Reunion Gala
Beth (Bersin) Shoub, Mark Shoub
50th Reunion Gala
Tom Oatman, Barb Oatman, Patti Denney, Steve Denney
50th Reunion Gala
Paula (Sears) Loague, Cheryl (Volk) Ferrell
50th Reunion Gala
Walter Loague, Paula (Sears) Loague
50th Reunion Gala
Melinda (Staiger) Creech, Patrice (Klein) Perez
50th Reunion Gala
Donna (Dunn) & Dave Richardson
50th Reunion Gala
Patrice (Klein) Perez, Janet (Munro) Jesse
50th Reunion Gala
Terry Richmond, Patti Denney, Steve Denney, Nancy (Popdan) Richmond
50th Reunion Gala
Terry Richmond & Nancy (Popdan) Richmond
50th Reunion Gala
Terry Richmond, Nancy (Popdan) Richmond, Patti Denney, Steve Denney, Tom Oatman, Barb Oatman
50th Reunion Gala
Terry Richmond & Nancy (Popdan) Richmond
50th Reunion Gala - The End
Deb (Hepburn) Croyle, Sandy (Tebbit) Grams, Pam (Miller) Fleming, Tana (McCleary) Pulfer, Janice (Robertson) Miller, Sandy (Spaniol) Nash
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